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United Way feature agency of the week: American Red Cross

This is part of a series of stories featuring local organizations that received Bluffton, Beaverdam, United Way funding.

Funds received from the United Way of Bluffton, Beaverdam and Richland Township allow the American Red Cross/Allen County Chapter to respond to everyday emergencies and provide vital and needed services in the community.


Our next performer...

Kyrsti Schey plays with one of her young students, K.J. Hohenbrink, during Saturday's performanthon at the Bluffton farmers' market. The event was a fundraiser for Bluffton-Pandora YFC/Campus Life.

Council will consider surveillance cameras at Service Department garage

On Monday, Bluffton council will hear a request for surveillance cameras to be placed at the village Service Department Garage on Spring Street.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, says that for years the village has discussed placing cameras there.



Tuesday evening's National Night Out events from 6-9 p.m. at the pool

National Night Out in Bluffton is Tuesday.

Icon viewers are invited to join forces with communities nationwide for the 31st annual National Night Out (NNO) crime and drug prevention event. Bluffton observes the event on Tuesday, Aug. 5.

Sergeant Matt Oglesbee of the Bluffton Police Department is the local coordinator.
This is the first time for the Bluffton and Pandora police departments to participate in the event.  


Memorial service: Ralf Bronnemeier described as very personable, humble and down-to-earth

Ralf Bronnenmeier was a very personable, humble and down-to-earth person.

That’s how Rev. David Ross described Ralf to over 320 persons who attended a memorial service for the deceased Grob Systems CEO. The service was in the late afternoon of July 31 in St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Bluffton. The timing enabled many Grob employees to attend.

The Icon understands that Bronnemeier’s remains will be flown to Germany. The Bluffton memorial service was a way for Bluffton persons to pay their respects.


Meet Lainy the Pirate

Lainy Wilmoth is a student at Bluffton Child Development Center. She's also a pirate. July 31 was Pirate Day at BCDC and Lainy and lots of her friends dressed up in their pirate costumes. We caught Lainy during lunch in the 4-year-old-room. (Her pirate hat blinks.)
