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Chamber division chairpersons named for 2011-12

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce announced the following board members as division chairs for 2011-12, according to Aphaphanh Nussbaum, chamber president:

Brendon Matthews, treasurer. Position: Reports to the board of directors and general membership on finances. Oversees all financial transactions of the chamber.

Jamie Mehaffie, communications division chair. Position: Focus on things relating to member-to-member communication, such as newsletters, awards, recognition, anniversaries, retirements, new business owners. Maintains contacts with industries and BCE.

Luke Young, business division chair. Position: Focus on member recruitment, the downtown business district, making worthwhile services and products (benefits) available to members. Communicates with police and village officials concerning retail issues.

Robert Neff, education division chair: Position: Focus on speakers for monthly breakfasts, seminars and special chamber or town meetings. Establish relationships with village, state and federal agencies and provide members with information from these groups, which affect businesses. Works with Bluffton University on internships.

Matt Luke, growth-promotion chair: Position: Focus on things such as festivals, website, brochures, business showcase, after-hour events, group advertising, billboards, welcome packet, tourism, ribbon cuttings. Will assist village in recruitment of new businesses and industries in economic development.

Nussbaum said that chamber members or village residents needing information about any of these areas or who have suggestions for any of these areas are welcome to contact any of these chairpersons as a starting point for chamber involvement.
