15 minutes with Colin Sprague

Colin Sprague

15 minutes with Colin Sprague

The Icon caught up with Colin on the sidelines of Friday night's homecoming football game.

What year to you graduate from BHS?


Where are you enrolled in college, what year are you and what is your major?

I'm currently enrolled at Cedarville University, where I'm a junior studying pre-pharmacy

When asked at Cedarville, "Where is Bluffton?" how do you respond?

When I first came to Cedarville, I would begin my explanation of Bluffton's location with, "Do you know where Lima and Findlay are?..." but after awhile, my close friends started to poke fun at me for living in a town that's too small for many people to know about. Eventually, I started telling people that Bluffton is about an hour north of Dayton on I-75. That seems to do the trick.

What's the most expensive book you've had to purchase in college? How much was it and when you sold it back, how much did you receive for it?

This question makes me sad; these are the types of memories that I want to shut out of my college experience. When I was a sophomore, I had to buy 2 books for my Organic Chemistry class, one for lecture and one for labwork. Each book was $200, so I spent $400 on books for just one class. I was able to sell them back for $125 each because I tried to take good care of them.

What did you do this past summer?

I had an amazing summer. I'm a member of a worship band at Cedarville called Heartsong. During the school year, we travel on weekends to churches or youth camps and play music for them while we spend time getting to know the members of the church or the kids at the camp. During the summer, we travel for ten weeks doing the same thing.

My worship team spent weeks of camp in Philadelphia; Lynchburg, Virginia; Dallas; Springfield, Missouri; and Seymour, Indiana. It was an amazing summer meeting great people and playing music, which I love to do.

How about your plans after graduation?

For me, being a pharmacy major, graduation is a long way away. Next fall, I will be in my first year of professional pharmacy school here at Cedarville, Lord willing.

That will be four long years of studying, so the world will be a different place between then and now. Right now, I'm just living in the present, loving my time at Cedarville and making the most of it.

Do you have any good Kurt Groman stories to share, doesn't he attend Cedarville? If not, Kurt, who?

Yes, Kurt went to Cedarville, and he and I were here together for one year; he was a senior when I was a freshman. Truthfully though, I didn't run in to Kurt much around campus, which is too bad because he's a great guy.

I see his brother, Joel, from time to time on campus, and there are actually quite a few people from Bluffton that are down here that I see on occasion. I won't mention them all by name because I'd probably forget someone and feel bad.

Did you ever get your card taken down in grade school, or more specific, what was the worst prank you committed during the first 12 years of your Bluffton school educational years. Who else was involved?

I was never much of a prankster in high school, but I did do some pretty off-the-wall things. For one school project, a group of friends and I were supposed to make a "short" film based on Shakespeare's "Macbeth."

Our short film ended up being an hour and a half long, complete with a battle scene and a chase scene, as can be expected in a typical action movie. I don't know if the students are allowed to make movie projects anymore because of our over-the-top production

I seem to recall you were one of the first five in line to see one of the Harry Potter movies at the Shannon when you were in high school. Are you still a Harry Potter (what's the word? Nut?) Have you graduated to any other movie themes? What's the fascination with Mr. P?

There's a bit of a back story to that. That Harry Potter movie was slated for a midnight premiere at the Shannon, which I planned to attend. It was around 1:00 PM when I got a call from my friend Jared Gesler saying that there was already a long line of people camping out for the premiere. I was bored that day, so I thought I'd come join him.

Well, I get up to the theatre and he is the only one there. I just decided to stay for the next 10 and a half hours or so. As far as the Harry Potter books and movies, I really did enjoy them, I even dressed as Harry Potter for halloween when I was in the 5th grade. I'm not a Potter Nut anymore, but I can't say that I've moved on to another series quite yet.

On that line, what's your most favorite Harry Potter movie or book episode?

I really enjoyed the most recent, final Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2." I was glad they split the last book into two movies; it allowed them to focus more on the characters and let the plot happen on its own.

I really enjoy movies that have great characters, as opposed to a movie with shallow characters, flashy CGI graphics and a simple storyline.

Thinking back to elementary, who attended your first-ever sleep over? How late did you stay up and what movies did you watch?

When I was younger, I went to Bath Elementary school, and I had a friend named Ryan Cunningham. He and I had our first sleepover when I was in the first grade, and we still try and keep in touch today even though I'm at Cedarville and he attends Ohio State in Columbus.

I don't know if this was our very first sleepover, but I recall watching "The Mask of Zoro" and "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" with him. What I do remember, though, is while we were playing with his army men, his mom came down stairs to check on us.

We asked her if it was time for breakfast yet because we figured had already stayed up all night long. Turns out it was only 11:30 at that point. I'm sure we were out before 1:00

Who did you take to the BHS prom and what did you wear?

When I was a junior, I went with my friend Kelsey Goldenetz, who was a senior at that time. I wore a black tux that year with a silver vest and tie because Kelsey's dress had a sort of silver-ish tone to it (truthfully, I don't know exactly what color it was, I'm a guy and I don't know all the names of the fancy colors).

My senior year, I went with Amanda Rhonemus, my girlfriend. We started dating at the end of my junior year and are still dating today, over three years later. Amanda wore a bright green dress because green is her favorite color, so I wore a white tux with a green tie.

Amanda and I were voted Prom King and Queen that year, which I feel very blessed I had a great time at both of those proms.

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