Are your parents or grandparents on this list? Check it carefully
For anyone wanting to know the importance of the Triplett Corporation in Bluffton, simply look over the following list.
The list is reprinted from an April 1945 Triplett company newsletter. This list is also published in the book "A Good Place To Miss, Bluffton Stories - 1900-1975."
The book is released by The Icon and is on sale for $13.95 at Greg's Pharmacy, Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, Common Grounds, Book Reviews and the Bluffton University bookstore.
This list reads like a Bluffton phone book.
Honor Roll of Presentees: 200 Workers Win Bars and Stars in
Fifth Quarter Presenteeism Campaign
Despite the worst winter in a generation which made it impossible
for many out-of-towners to get to work regularly, 200 persons
in the various Triplett plants qualified for bars or stars in the
fifth quarter of the Allen County War Service Legion Presenteeism
To qualify for the awards, the winners fulfilled their
pledges of being present at least 96.5% of all scheduled working
hours during the first three months of the year. With armed service
demands for instruments increasing daily, it is more important
than ever to be on the job regularly now, for our war products are
urgently needed.
Machine Shop No. 1
Garland Basinger
John Blome
Harry Ewing
Floyd Hardwick
Jay F. Harris
Charles Patterson
Harold Ruggley
Harry Treece
Lowell Habegger
Andrew Herrmann
Willis Cummins
Ed Herrmann
Wayne Luginbill
Gid Luginbuhl
Millen Geiger
Cecil McGeorge
Levi Mellinger
Millard Oberly
George Schumacher
Oscar Wenger
H. C. Stettler
Amos Tschiegg
L. S. Green
Dyle Foltz
Mildred Wilch
Eva Kohli
Charles Hilty
Helen Caris
Wm. Schumacher
Fred Swank
Painting & Cleaning
Marvin Reigle
Chester Huber
Jacob Schnegg
Willis Welty
Ella Naylor
John Garlinger
John Watkins
John Bowersox
Virginia Kratzer
Marcella Motter
Boxing & Shipping
Jesse Yoakam
Geo. Huber
Mabel Minck
Stock No. 1
Robert Bowersox
Samuel Brauneller
Winifred Fett
Zanna Staater
Paul Stauffer
George Linden
Rec. Insp.
Cloyce Bame
Grace Carnahan
Marcella Dilts
Lillian Dunifon
Peggy Finton
Dorothy Klingler
Jerome Bernard
Margaret Griffith
Helen Schnegg
Final Inspection
Francis Marquart
Lillian Dillman
La Donna Haas
Edna Huber
Gladys Klingler
Edgar Cook
Paul DeLamater
Maynard Geiger
William Snider
Bert Swank
Dorothy Woodham
Meter Line
George Fruchey
Wilford Gratz
Harry Klay
Russell Montgomery
A. J. Nonnamaker
Robert Nonnamaker
Robert Potts
Robert Stalter
Assembly Line
Mary Ann Amstutz
Estella Augsburger
Pauline Augsburger
Lois Berry
Velma Herr
Edith Burkholder
Ola Conrad
Twylah Carnicom
Mary Jane Cook
Mary Coon
Verna Crouse
LaRue DeWalt
Wiletta Fisher
Mae Gunther
Helen Hover
Ocie Huber
Mary Jane Huser
Faye Hutchinson
Hazel Kimble
Elaine Deppler
Winifred McGeorge
Lenna Niswander
Wilma Niswander
Ilo Patterson
Rosaline Reichenbach
Thelma Rupright
Rachel Schaublin
Hazel Steiner
Grace Steinman
Margaret Steinman
Fannie Wenger
Helen Folfrom
Janet Young
Lucille Wenger
Dorothy Petty
Martha Benson
Virginia Benson
Plant No. 3
Harold Wenger
Odula Basinger
Mary Schultz
Don Dillman
Ray Reichenbach
Emerson Stultz
Martha Klay
Dorothy Basinger
Josephine Wolford
Hanna Diller
Mae Huber
Dorothy Huser
Mary Koontz
Marcele Lora
Alma Niese
Machine Shop No. 2
Raymond Rupright
Jesse Bracy
Jesse Manges
Orville Shafer
Janitors & Guards No. 2
Roy Pogue
Clyde Ream
R. R. Meter
Arthur Lewis
Blanche Lewis
Ellen Griffith
Dorothy Burkholder
Katherine Hermon
Stella Lichtenwalter
Clara Schumacher
Naomi West
Triplett Meter
Irene Morris
Mrs. Leo Basinger
Howard Traucht
Lulu Henry
Alma Bixel
Ada Miller
Evelyn Walter
Rec. Insp.
Myron Reichenbach
Dorothy Van Scoyoc
Final Inspection
Lamont Diller
Paul Eikenbary
Stock Room No. 2
Harley Augsburger
Clarence Young
Tester Line
Paul Deitler
Waldemar Spaeth
Fred Ludwig
Clair Michel
Donald Ream
Anna Deerhake
Aileen Diller
Alma Peterson
Doris Reichenbach
Maroa Badertscher
Agnes Birchnaugh
Marcella Folk
Neva Fox
Pauline Gable
Mary Lou Schmidt
Maeanna Steiner
Mary Thomas
Tester Line No. 4
Opal Best
Gail Patterson
Ruth Burcky
D. W. Bixler
Pauline Carr
Bernice Deerhake
Mary Gerdeman
Jane Howe
Dottye Jenkins
Virginia King
Melvena Lewis
A. R. Baker
A. C. Burcky
C. W. Elliot
George Clay
C. B. Fett
Glenn Noe
A. E. Lichtenwalter
C. A. Triplett
R. L. Triplett
N. A. Triplett
Leo Fenn
Fred J. Lingel
John Maxon