Today's assignment: decorate a pumpkin

Here's your assignment:

Decorate a pumpkin but use only supplies from the place where you work. Can you do it?

Mennonite Memorial Home employees did it. You'll soon see proof. The Activities Department of MMH gave each department a pumpkin to dress up and decorate using only supplies from their department (such as spaghetti for hair from the dietary department, pill cups from the nursing department).

The pumpkins were distributed to staff for decorating on Oct. 14. Staff members had until Oct. 18 to adorn their pumpkin. All pumpkins are now display in the Mennonite Home lobby. Residents judged them and the winner was announced at the MMH Halloween party on Oct. 26.

Here's a video showing the pumpkins.

MMH pumpkins 10 21 11

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