Taxes and Quickbook workshop follows Nov. 11 chamber breakfast

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will offer two free programs on Friday, Nov. 11, in the town hall. Both are in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

The monthly free breakfast meeting offers a breakfast provided by Richland Manor with serving at 7 a.m. The 7:30 a.m. breakfast meeting will feature Bluffton resident Jeff Sprague of Allen Economic
Development Group as the speaker.

Chamber-BCE workshop
Following a brief recess a joint Chamber-Bluffton Center for Entrepreneur workshop on taxes and Quickbooks will convene at 8:45 Dave Steiner of Reichenbach and Steiner CPAs, will talk about anticipated changes in the tax code for 2011 as they affect businesses. Julie Bankert will follow Steiner's presentation with a Quickbooks information session. This is the second workshop co-sponsored by the chamber and BCE.

Both meetings are open to the public. Persons interested in attending both or one of the two session should RSVP to [email protected] by Wednesdya, Nov. 9.

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