"Quilts" thankoffering service Sunday at English Lutheran

The women of English Lutheran Church will lead a thankoffering worship service at 9 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 13, in support of the quilt ministry of the congregation's sewing group.

Every year the English Lutheran sewing group puts together anywhere from 90 to 100 quilts, which are then sent off to help persons in need throughout the world through the relief agencies associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, such as Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Disaster Response and the World Hunger Appeal.

Pastor Kevin Mohr and his wife, Deborah, as former missionary children and then later adult missionaries themselves, have seen donated quilts in use in Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and Madagascar.

Current members of the sewing group include Louise Amstutz, Ellen Beach, Mary Clark, Irene Green, Treva Shafer, Elnora Stratton, and a resident at Maple Crest, Naomi Bosse.

The group meets at English Lutheran Church, located at 111 Grove St., Bluffton, on the second Tuesday of each month from 9 a.m. to approximately 3 p.m.

A special offering will be received during the thankoffering service on Sunday to help in the purchasing of material for making more quilts in the future.

Donations may be made to English Lutheran Church, note: quilts. Persons with questions, or who would like to help with the making of the quilts, maycontact the church at 419-358-2591 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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