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Bluffton Community Preschools invites entries for a logo contest

Attention artists and graphic artists. The Bluffton Community Preschool wants your ideas. (Actually you don't have to be an artist to enter. All you need is an idea.)

The Icon received the following e-mail from Matt Jordan concerning a Bluffton Community Preschool logo contest. You may take it from here:

The Bluffton CommunityPreschool is in need of a logo and we want your help.

Bluffton Community Preschool prepares three and four- year old children in the Bluffton community to be "Kindergarten ready" and helps establish a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Artists are asked to submit their design as a jpg file and include the name Bluffton Community Preschool. Designs should be easy to read when scaled down to a business card format.

Artists are asked to submit their ideas for a logo no later than Dec. 4. The top entries will be displayed at Common Grounds from Dec. 5 through Dec. 9 where the community will be able to vote on their favorite design.

The winning entry will receive a $50 Chase Bank Visa gift card, the second place entry will receive a $25 Chase Bank Visa gift card.

All artists must agree to turn over ownership and usage rights of the logo to BCP. Please send your submission to [email protected]
