David Rodabaugh speaker at Friday's chamber breakfast

2013 chamber membership sticker

Bluffton native David Rodabaugh, Lima attorney, is the December Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast speaker. His talk is part of a continuing series of recognizing persons with Bluffton connections who serve elsewhere in the county. The breakfast is in the third floor of the town hall on Friday, Dec. 9.

Breakfast serving starts at 7 a.m. and the program starts at 7:30 a.m. Richland Manor serves the free breakfast. Sielschott, Walsh, Keifer & Regula, Inc., certified public accountants, will sponsor the breakfast.

Rodabaugh is a 1970 Bluffton High School graduate. He holds a JD degree form Ohio Northern University. From 1986 to 1997 he served as law director for the City of Lima. Since 1997 he has served as assistant law director.

During the breakfast the 13 sponsors of the new downtown snowflakes will be recognized. Those sponsors follow:

Business sponsors
1 - Citizens National Bank
2 - Associates of DTR Industries
3 - R.D. Neff and Associates
4 - Affiliates of Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs
5 - Chiles-Laman Funeral Homes
6 - Reichenbach & Steiner CPAs-Webb Insurance-Samuel Diller, LPA
7 - McDonald's Restaurants
8 - Family Eye Care
Individual sponsors
9 - Dwight and Clarabeth Bixel
10 - Ropp and Mary Em Triplett
11 - Tom and Anne Heimann and Bill and Paula McKibben
12 - Jon and Mandy Kinn
13 - Fred and Pat Rodabaugh

The 2012 chamber membership stickers will be handed out at the breakfast. The 2012 stickers are orange and white.

Persons interested in attending may RSVP to [email protected]

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