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Bluffton school board opposes "school choice" HB 136

The Bluffton school board said "no" to Ohio House Bill 136 on Monday.

For the text of the bill click here.

For a story from The Plain Dealer on the bill click here.

The board passed a resolution on Monday opposing Ohio House Bill 136 (School Choice) and stated its opposition to any legislation that seeks to transfer public money to support private education.

Note: Part of the board's resolution follows: (The entire resolution is in the attachment at the bottom of this story).

o Whereas the Ohio House of Representatives is currently considering legislation that would significantly expand the availability of vouchers for students to attend private or parochial schools;

o and such vouchers would be granted without regard to the academic performance of the public school that the student is assigned to attend;

o and the bill provides that students already enrolled in private or parochial schools would be eligible for such vouchers;

o and the operation of the proposed program would take dollars directly from the already financially beleaguered local public school districts resulting in fewer resources for the education of the remaining students.

o The Bluffton Exempted Village Board of Education express its opposition to this legislation, HB 136 School Choice; and the board expresses its opposition to any legislation that seeks to transfer public dollars to support private education.

The board agenda is in the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story. The board approved all action on the agenda.
