Watch a Toledo Walleyes hockey game and support the Bluffton Relay for Life

Want to attend a Toleo Walleye's hockey game and at the same time support Bluffton's Relay for Life? That game will be played at 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11, in Toledo.

"A portion of each ticket benefits the American Cancer Society. Choose a local team to support and those proceeds may help them meet their 2012 team fundraising goal," Adam Blevins of the American Cancer Society told The Icon.

This year's Bluffton Relay is June 22-23 at Salzman Stadium, Bluffton University.

A flyer about the event is a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story. Also, the January newsletter is now available for Icon viewers. The printer-friendly newsletter is an attachment at the bottom of this story.