15 minutes with Tammy Bradshaw

Tammy and Mike Bradshaw

When did you and your husband, Mike, move to Bluffton? What influenced that decision? Do you live in town or in the country?

We had been driving up to Bluffton to go to the Shannon, getting a summer pool pass or coming to see the Christmas lights and always said ... One day we are gonna move here. We decided in 2005 to put our house up for sale and move. Our house sold in six days and we moved in August one week before school started. I think the school was the biggest influence. And we live in the country!

Did you and Mike both grow up in the Lima area and attend Bath schools? How did you meet?

Yes, Mike and I both grew up in Bath Township and graduated from Bath a year apart. We actually met at Lake Cody. My folks were camping and he was just hanging around.

How long have you worked at the Food Store in Bluffton? What do you enjoy most about your job? What is the strangest request you've had from a customer?

I was lucky enough to replace my daughter when she moved so I have been working at the Food Store for about five years now. I am a people person so I think that the customers are the best part of the job. Although there have been some odd requests, one doesn't stand out to me.

Tell me about your studies at Trinity School of Natural Health. What subject(s) were you focusing on? Did you earn a degree or certificate? How do you use that knowledge to assist customers at the Food Store?

I enrolled because I have always been interested in natural health to some degree and felt I needed to keep my brain active. I have earned a Certificate in Nutritional Counseling and a Certified Health Specialist Certificate. I am working on a Master Herbalist Certificate right now. Once I finish that I will probably stop. At the store I just try to help customers find what is best for them, just like my co-workers.

You're also an independent consultant for Thirty-One Gifts. What is the story behind the company? How did you get involved?

As if I am not busy enough I decided to add another "part-time" job to my list and thought this company fit well for me. We sell purses/totes/wallets and such. I like the fact that this company is supporting issues involving woman/girls. I am enjoying it although I am not very pushy with asking people to have parties.

I hear you enjoy gardening. How big is your garden? What do you grow? What would you like to add this year? Do you can and/or freeze a lot of produce? I assume that means you also like to cook. What is your favorite type of food to prepare?

Our garden is big! We are pretty basic with the produce and I can most and freeze some. But we don't eat much right out of the garden because everyone knows that it always tastes better come October! We didn't have a great garden this year so I am not sure what we will add new this year. Last year it was kale. Yum. Actually, I am not that great a cook , Mike is; I like to bake. So my favorite things to bake are pies and bread ... or rolls.

Sounds like you're pretty busy -- you also like to sew, read and ride your motorcycle. What type of sewing?

I used to sew my clothes but now I keep mostly to quilting. That I find relaxing.

You're a member of the Bluffton Bookworms. What is that? Is it open to new members? What are they reading right now? What is your favorite book?

The Bluffton Bookworms is a book club that meets at Common Grounds the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30. It is definitely open to anyone who would like to read that month's book and come. The book for February is The Hunger Games. I don't know if I can narrow down a favorite book ... our family reads a lot.

What kind of motorcycle do you have? Do you ride long distances?

Mike has been riding since he was 15 and I have been riding along since we were 18 years old. He has a Goldwing now which is wonderful. We have done some long distances trips but we would like to take a week or so and plan a nice long trip. Both our oldest and youngest have their licenses and bikes. I am pondering a very cute scooter.

What is your favorite type of exercise?

I really enjoy yoga.

You have three children, correct? How old are they and where do they live? How many grandchildren?

We do have three children and two granddaughters. Jessica, 26, is the oldest and her family lives in Grove City, Pa. She is momma to our oldest granddaughter, Zaeda who is 20 months old. Alicia,25, is in the middle and her family lives in Centerburg, Ohio. She is momma to Fay who is six months old. Elijah is the youngest at 19.

What goals do you have for 2012?

Well, we have started doing some remodeling on the house and we would like to move an old "barn" to our property so I can add some goats to the critter mix. But my goals are pretty basic and all revolve around my family. I hope to get a weekend family reunion planned, have success with the garden so I can share with my girls, take a "road trip" with Mike, kidnap Zaeda for a weekend ... you get the idea.