December Bluffton police log

Bluffton Police Department
Public Docket
December 31, 2011

December 1
Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash at the intersection of College Ave. and S. Main Streets. Nathaniel Hursh, 17, Bluffton was issued a citation for failing to yield the right of way. The case is pending in Allen County Juvenile Court.

December 2
A Bern St. resident reported that unknown persons had flipped their riding lawnmower onto its top while it was sitting in the front yard.

December 7
An employee at a Commerce Lane business reported that she was receiving obscene/harassing telephone calls while at work.

December 10
Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash in the 300 block of S. Jackson St. Sara Amstutz, 82 Bluffton was issued a citation for failing to maintain reasonable control after drifting off the side of the road and striking a parked vehicle. The case is pending in Bluffton Mayor's Court.

December 11
A W. Elm St. resident reported that she was receiving harassing phone calls at her home.

December 12
Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash in the 100 block of S. Lawn Ave. Kylie Cartwright, 16, Bluffton was issued a citation for failing to maintain reasonable control after striking a vehicle parked along the side of the road. The case is pending in Allen County Juvenile Court.

December 13
Officers received another complaint of obscene/harassing phone calls being made to a Commerce Lane business.

December 15
A N. Main St. Business reported that they had received a bad check from a customer.

Officers responded to a non-injury traffic crash at the intersection of Elm and Jackson Streets. Carrie Reichenbach, 36, Columbus Grove, was issued a citation for Failure to Yield the Right Of Way at an intersection. The case is pending in Bluffton Mayor's Court.

December 16
Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash in the 100 block of Garmatter St. Courtney Dulle, 16, Bluffton was issued a citation for failing to maintain reasonable control after striking a car parked along the side of the road. The case is pending in Allen County Juvenile Court.

A W. Elm St. Resident reported that someone had stolen a package that was left at his door.

December 17
Officers responded to a S. Main St. residence in response to a report of a juvenile who failed to return home. After looking into the matter, two juveniles were charged with curfew violations and the cases are pending in Allen County Juvenile Court.

December 18
A Rockport Rd. resident reported that an unknown person had attempted to break in to his car while it was parked on W. Elm St., causing damage to the door. After further investigation it was discovered that the report was fabricated and the damage had been caused by the owner of the vehicle.

December 19
Police arrested Gavin May, 37, Lima, for driving with an expired driver license and expired registration following a traffic stop on I-75. The case is pending in Lima Municipal Court.

December 20
Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash in the 100 block of Thurman St.

Officers received a complaint of an elderly woman who had sent several thousand dollars to who she believed to be her stranded grandson in Mexico. She received a call from someone stating they were her grandson and that he couldn't get out of Mexico until he had the money because he had been in a car crash. After checking with the grandson, it was determined that he was not in Mexico and that this was a scam.

December 22
An Elm St. resident reported that unknown persons had spray painted graffiti on his fence. While looking into this matter, officers found more graffiti at the Buckeye Park.

December 23
Officers responded to a hit-skip traffic crash at the village park where an unknown vehicle struck a power pole and knocked it over and then left the area.

Police took a Menacing complaint from an employee at a S.R. 103 business. The employee stated that she was being harassed and threatened by another subject in the parking lot of the business. She further stated that this had been an ongoing problem.

December 24
Officers arrested Scott Kristopher, 27, Lima. on an outstanding warrant from Allen County following a traffic stop for an equipment violation on S.R. 103.

December 27
Officers responded to a N. Lawn Ave. residence in response to a complaint of a fight and Domestic Violence. Upon arrival officers discovered that the residence was empty and there were belongings strewn about the yard and the inside of the house. Officers met with the complainant at the station and took a report from two separate victims, one for Assault and the other for Domestic Violence. William Rader, 28, Deshler, was charged with Domestic Violence and Assault and the case is pending in Lima Municipal Court.

December 29
Police arrested Conrad Zemba, 46, Bluffton for driving with an expired vehicle registration following a traffic stop on E. Jefferson St. The case is pending in Lima Municipal Court.

December 30
Police responded to a Lausanne Ave. residence in response to a Burglary complaint. The resident reported that unknown persons had entered the residence and stole medications.