"Still Alice," next public library book discussion

The Bluffton Public Library is hosting a discussion of "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at noon. A limited number of discussion copies are available.

Genova's novel is the Findlay-Hancock Community Foundation's selection for its annual Community Read event. "Still Alice" is a compelling debut novel about a 50-year-old woman's sudden descent into early onset Alzheimer's disease.

Lisa Genova will visit Findlay on Friday, March 2, at 7 p.m. at Central Auditorium, 200 West Main Cross St. A free book signing for attendees will follow this feature event.

Tickets are $5 each and are available locally at Common Grounds Coffeehouse & Caf'e, 101 South Main St., Bluffton. Tickets are also available in Findlay at the Arts Partnership office, 618 South Main St.; Community Foundation office, 101 West Sandusky St., Suite 207; and at the door.

Stop by the Bluffton Public Library or call 419-358-5016 to register for the Feb. 1 discussion. For more information about Community Read and a list of companion titles for youth and teens, visit www.community-foundation.com.