Safety awareness presentation planned at BHS-Allen East basketball game

Safety awareness is the theme of a special program held during the Jan. 20 varsity boy's basketball contest with Allen East, according to Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief.

A collaboration between members of the Bluffton Emergency Services - police, fire and EMS - Allen County Sheriff's Office, Bluffton Exempted Village Schools, Allen East Schools and the Lima-Allen County Safe Communities Coalition takes place during the Jan. 20, home Bluffton boy's basketball game. The Pirates will host the Allen East Mustangs for the 6 p.m. contest.

The safety awareness collaboration addresses safety belt use and the importance of removing impaired drivers from local roadways.

The event will involve members of the police, fire and EMS agencies working with members of the Bluffton High School and Allen East High School Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) group.

A special varsity half-time program will be presented and involve representatives from both Bluffton High School and Allen East High.

Following the game, emergency services personnel will be in the area of the high school to encourage the proper use of safety belts. A student-oriented joint school SADD party is also planned for following the game.

"This is a kick off campaign for the police department to emphasize the need to wear safety belts every time a vehicle is in motion, regardless of the speed or the distance of the trip" said Skillliter.

There are additional events planned for later in the school year involving the police department, Lima Allen County Safe Communities Coalition, and the Ohio Department of Transportation