15 minutes with Joanne Antibus
You were born in Maple Heights, correct? Where exactly is that?
Maple Hts. is a suburb of Cleveland on the SE side. Probably best known for its wrestling state titles under coach Milkovich. However,over the past few years it has become a football success.
When did you move to Bluffton? Were you and your husband, Bob, hired by BHS and BU, respectively, at the same time?
My husband, Bob, moved to Bluffon in 1993 to start his position at Bluffton University. The children and I moved to Bluffton in 1994...stayed in Potsdam, NY, to sell our house and to finish up a job at St. Lawrence U. as a biology lab coordinator. In order to obtain an Ohio teaching certification, I had to take several courses at Bluffton U. and the Praxis exam. The teaching position at Bluffton high School opened up in 1995.
How long did you teach at Bluffton High School? What all did you teach? Had you taught before coming to Bluffton? Did you always want to be a teacher?
I was a teacher at Bluffton High School for 15 years. I taught Science 9 and Environmental Biology all 15 years; along with 8th grade science before the middle school was built and Integrated science my last few years at BHS. I also coached the Envirothon team for 15 years; the Science Olympiad team for 6 years. After finishing my master's degree (Biology; 1978) at Virginia Tech, I taught high school for 3 years in Virginia. Except for some substitute teaching and taking geology classes at Potsdam State U., I stayed at home with Wendy and Doug (self-employed drawing maps/graphs for publications) until 1992 when I was employed as a technician at Clarkson University (research project dealing with sludge) and 1993 as a one year replacement biology lab coordinator. Teaching high school was not my main focus during undergraduate or graduate school. The teaching job in Virginia (New Castle High) became available as I was finishing my master's degree (no teaching certificate was required); the job at BHS I prepared for (had my OH teaching certificate) and it became available at the right time.
You earned your bachelor's degree from Kent State. Were you a student at the time of the May 4, 1970 shootings? What do you remember about that event? Did you attend the 25th anniversary observation?
Yes, my bachelor's degree (Botany, 1975) was from Kent State University, but I was not there during the shootings. I started at Kent in 1972. With the shootings still fresh in people's minds, my parents were not pleased that I chose to go to Kent; receiving a full tuition scholarship changed their mind. However, Bob was at Kent during the 1970 shootings. I was hoping to attend the 25th anniversary observation, but alas, it was during the week and I was teaching at BHS. Bob went and brought me back a fantastic gift; a hand signed drawing by Butterfly Julia Hill. For those old enough to remember (back in the 70's), she was the woman who lived in the redwood tree, Luna, protecting it and the surrounding old growth redwood forest from logging.
Did you and Bob meet at Kent? Did you head straight to graduate school?
Yes, Bob and I met at Kent. He was working on his master's degree at the time. We were both interested in mycology (study of fungi) and from Kent we both headed to Virginia Tech; I for my master's degree, Bob for his PhD.
If I remember correctly, you're currently completing a second master's degree, this time in geology at BGSU. What inspired you to return to school? Why geology? Do you have a teaching assistantship at BG? If so, how is teaching college students different from teaching at the high school level?
My second master's degree will be in Geology (May, 2012) from BGSU. I have always loved geology, even as an undergraduate at Kent, but it was too difficult to fit in both botany and geology lab courses and graduate within four years so I made botany my bachelor's degree choice. While living in Potsdam, NY, with Wendy and Doug both in school, I started taking geology courses at Potsdam State U. and doing some research. As a teacher, you are required to obtain so many credit hours each 5 years in order to renew your certificate. Being tired of traditonal classroom instruction, in 2006 I signed up for BGSU's summer Geology Field camp; fullfilling my required credit hours for recertification by being out west (NM and CO) for 8 weeks mapping, drawing, collecting rocks and fossils and interpreting the geologic history of those areas. WOW!!! I then realized that research and studying geology were in my future. I started taking more geology courses at BGSU in the evenings while still teaching at BHS. I also started working on a research project involving the formation of volcanic rocks from Antarctica. I was offered a full time teaching assistantship at BGSU ( 2010) and decided to make the career change. In my opinion, teaching students in a lab atmosphere provides the best opportunity for student-teacher interaction and creative thinking. I am thoroughly enjoying the students at BGSU; their maturity level, respect for each other, desire to learn and understand the lab material and think for themselves is very refreshing.
Only having ~40 students each semester allows me to spend time with individual students and give them extra help with their assignments.
Tell me about your environmental activities. Are you still on the Bluffton tree commission? What does that involve?
I am still the chairperson of the Bluffton Tree Commission. This past year the tree commission has been preoccupied with the Emerald Ash borer invasion; removing infected trees and planting replacement shade trees. We have been attending tree workshops and will be hosting a tree care workshop open to the public in March. I am also still involved with the Envirothon competition. No longer as a coach, now as a test reviewer and writer.
You and Bob both love snow and skiing. Downhill or cross country? Any other winter weather pursuits?
Bob and I love both types of skiing; downhill and cross-country. Cross country has become our favorite over the years because of its convenience, less hassle, more pristine surroundings and it is much cheaper than downhill. Unfortunately, this part of Ohio does not reliably offer enough snow. We do venture up into MI or the snowbelt area of OH when we can. However, no snow in any of those places this year! Visiting our daughter in Reno and skiing the Lake Tahoe area (both downhill and cross-country) are always wonderful getaways; no snow there either this year! We are patiently awaiting the first decent snow storm.
I know you also love other outdoor activities, like running, biking, and gardening. Any others? Are those longtime interests?
The rest of the year (spring, summer and fall) you can find Bob and I outdoors as much as possible; walking, biking and gardening are some of our favorite activities. Last fall's rainy weather allowed us to mushroom collect (including edibles) in the NW OH area for the first time in many years. We also enjoy birding and astronomy. I am back enjoying yoga. Jogging is on the back burner.
Over the past year, you've faced a major health crisis involving two inoperable brain tumors. Could you talk about when you first began feeling unwell and how you finally learned the diagnosis?
It was in mid May that I first started to be bothered by fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Then in July, I started losing my balance and by mid July I could not walk and I was seeing double. My brain tumors were officially diagnosed (by MRI) in mid July at Akron City Hospital. I was then transported to the Cleveland Clinic for the biopsy, spent a week in physical therapy at St. Ritas, Lima,(getting therapy and waiting for biopsy and treatment decisions) then chemo treatments every other week August through mid November.
Before beginning -- or during -- treatment at the Cleveland Clinic, you and Bob had another very important event to attend -- your daughter's wedding. Where was the wedding? Share some memories of the wedding, please.
Wendy and Justin were married in August outside of Reno at a camp halfway up the mountain towards Lake Tahoe. Perfect weather, beautiful western,conifer setting for their outdoor wedding; gorgeous lodge and deck for dinner and dancing afterwards. Wendy and Justin were pleased that many of their college and longtime childhood friends could attend; Bob and I were pleased to have many of our OH relatives there. I will always remember Wendy and Justin's wedding as being well planned, casual but also elegant, very relaxing and fun. The wedding was after one chemo cycle so I was able to walk (with my son's assistance) down the aisle (through the woods) to my seat.
Back in Ohio, your treatment at the CC involved week-long or longer stays. What all did that involve? Can you provide an update on your current status?
The chemo treatment I was on required that I stay at Cleveland Clinic from Tuesday to usually Friday evening or Saturday every other week. The actual drug treatments only took 6 - 8 hours via IV injections, but afterwards my system had to be IV flushed of the drugs (to protect my kidneys) thus the required stay of 4 to 5 days. I cannot say enough about the wonderful care I received at the Cleveland Clinic. After each chemo treatment my balance and strength improved; I am now able to walk without any assistance, no dizziness, no double vision and just minor balance and strength issues.
The two original tumors are completely gone, with just some scar tissue keeping me from being 100% back to normal...physical therapy will get me closer to 100% than I am now. Will be getting periodic MRI's for the next couple of year... or more
You have siblings near Cleveland, correct? Did you stay with them while undergoing treatment? Bob couldn't always be with you during those times because he was teaching at Bluffton University. How did the two of you handle that?
Having my sister, brother and nieces in the Cleveland area was invaluable during my chemo cycles. I stayed with them Monday night, they drove me to the Cleveland Clinic Tuesday morning, and oftentimes I had to stay with them Friday evening. It was great spending time with them; even went to one of my great nephew's Friday night football games. Cleaning horse stalls with my sister became another one of my physical therapy routines. And they would visit me Thursday evening at the Cleveland Clinic to play cards! Getting to Cleveland from Bluffton and back home again sometimes involved 1/2 way meetings in Mansfield by friends in Bluffton and my brother and niece. These travel arrangements greatly reduced Bob's travels back and forth every two weeks. The last two chemo cycles I was able to drive myself; gaining back one's independence is a great feeling.
At a certain point into the treatment, your docs recommended you begin getting more exercise. How did you begin that? You must be feeling stronger because I've heard you say how much you're wishing for snow so you can ski.
The week of physical therapy at St. Rita's was a valuable experience. I learned what I could still do for myself, what I could not do anymore and what I had to do to get back doing all the activities I used to do. Being the type of person I am, I also exceeded the limits set by the physical therapists and was using a walker by myself, exploring all over the hospital, riding my bike when at home and doing some short distance driving. I didn't share some of these activities with my doctor!
Where are your children now? What are they doing?
Wendy is in Reno, NV; she graduated as an RN a week after her wedding; working as an ICU trauma nurse, Renown Hospital, Reno and also ski patrolling and white water raft guiding on the side. Doug is finishing up his work at the USDA labs in Peoria, IL; interviewing at Washington University and UC Davis for PhD programs starting this Fall.
What goals do you have for yourself now? Do you think that you and Bob will move west at some time in the future?
My first/second goal is to finish my master's thesis/degree at BGSU (graduate in May) and keep improving my balance and strength. Just waiting for snow to add cross country skiing to my physical therapy list and jogging will come eventually. Then it will be time for job hunting (or a PhD). I love thinking about moving out west...we'll see!!!
Editor's note: Joanne sent this note on Jan. 16: "Bob and I ventured up to Yankee Springs Rec area just north of Kalamazoo, MI. Enough snow to ski there. It was gorgeous... snow still clinging to the tree limbs and conifers! So got two days of cross country skiing in...feeling good the morning after!!! So all is well.
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