Icon advertiser feature: pears avenue in Lima's Met Block

pears avenue: (perz av'enoo) A boutique specializing in mid-century, modern and vintage pieces; refurbished and repurposed home d'ecor.

In Lima's Met Block, pears avenue (yes, it's lowercase p and a) , 302 N. Main St., is next door to Nitza's, one of The Icon's newest advertisers (see related story). After visiting the shop and talking with owner Jason Bowers, here's what Icon viewers might expect when visiting Lima's North Main Street shop.

"We opened in November," said Bowers. "We offer customers a lot of handmade art on consignment from area artists."

Libbi Pennington, Lima artist, will be at the shop on Saturday, Jan. 28, from to meet and greet customers. She has jewelry, paintings and mosaics for sale at the shop.

Describing pears avenue as a break-away from large chains and "dot coms," Bowers says customers will experience new and old things. "We are constantly on the look out for one-of-a-kind items. Things that are not mass produced," he said. "What we offer customers is totally different from what you'll find in other stores.'

Adding that pears avenue's main focus is creativity, Bowers says it is a place to come back to again and again.

While pears avenue and Nitza's are currently the only retail stores in The Met Block, that will change soon. Later in 2012 a wine bar will open.

Also the Fat Cat Diner at 312 N. Main St., Lima, opened last week. It located across from the Allen County Court House, directly north of The Met Block. Watch The Icon for details.

pears avenue
306 N. Main St.
Lima, Ohio 45801
[email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pears-Avenue/144168665670523?sk=info

Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.