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Letter: This is how I got scammed

But, I survived it

Icon viewers:
My name is Charles, and this is how I got scammed, but survived it. 

I was on my computer, using a web browser, and suddenly there came a flash across the screen, saying “This computer is blocked.” This window popped up claiming it was from Microsoft, and that I needed to call this phone number to unblock my computer. 

I couldn’t get it off my screen. I’m a realtor and I need my computer. So I called the number.


First Choice Easy Banking Account was officially

Announcement by First National Bank

First National Bank's First Choice Easy Banking Account was officially certified by the national Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund (CFE Fund) recently.

The certification is by Bank On National Account Standards, an organization co-created by consumer advocates,  national nonprofit organizations, civic leaders, and other financial institutions, designate both core and strongly recommended features that ensure low cost, high functionality, and consumer safety.


Someone you know is on this honor roll

Final elementary HR of the school year

Here is the Bluffton Elementary School fourth quarter honor roll for the 2020-21 school year.

All A

4th Grade

Colton Aller, Kohen Anderson, Madison Coonfare, Micah DeMarco, Haylie Dircksen, Jack Eiden, Gabriel Foster, Leah Granger, Gabrielle Harris, Gabriella Lewis, Morgan Martini, Elyse Montel, Siren Morris, Kaden Niekamp, Bracyn Oglesbee, Adalynn Rettig, Joseph Richardson-Miller, Carter Steinmetz, Hailey Utendorf, Camron Watson, Cole Weissling

5th Grade


That was quick

Through the slats of a street work sign viewers can compare  seven days of Jefferson Street reconstruction progress. The top view was taken June 4. The bottom view taken June 11. This is phase II of the Jefferson Street project, which involves curbs, sidewalks and new piping under the street.

Northwest Physical Therapy relocates to SR 103

Originally housed at BFR since 1999 • Continued growth of BFR and NWPT resulted in the move

The Northwest Physical Therapy's Bluffton office has relocated to 80 State Route 103, Suite B, according to Dan Settlage of NWPT.

Its new location is directly east of Bluffton Vet Hospital, which is located at 70 SR 103.

NWPT has leased space from Bluffton Family Recreation at 215 Snider Road since 1999.  

“Due to continued growth by both organizations and a desire to serve the needs of the Bluffton community in new and better ways, more physical space was necessary,” Settlage told the Icon.


Icon music review - Five awesome songs about work

I take solace that my daily grind now starts and stops at my door

Reviewed/Written by Craig Hoffman 
My long work day got the best of me one late evening. I spent a good number of minutes griping to my lovely wife. I complained about my company, my boss, my coworkers, and even my lunch. 

“What would you like me to do about all that?”
“I don't know. Sympathize? Empathize?”
“What difference would that make?”

“Heigh-Ho”- The Seven Dwarfs, Disney (1937)

Workers around the world can relate to this classic tune. The daily slog can get the best of even the most dedicated of employees. 

