'Geek out @ your library' during Teen Tech Week 2012

Local teens will be tuning in at the library as Bluffton Public Library celebrates the annual Teen Tech Week March 4-10. They join thousands of other libraries and schools across the country that are celebrating this year's theme, "Geek Out @ your library(R)."

Teen Tech Week is a national initiative of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults.

The purpose of the initiative is to ensure that teens are competent and ethical users of technology, especially the types offered through libraries. Teen Tech Week encourages teens to take advantage of the technology at libraries for education and recreation, and to recognize that librarians are qualified, trusted professionals who can help them achieve greater digital literacy.

Recent studies from Pew Internet & American Life Project show the majority of teens own cell phones and mp3 players. Ninety-three percent of teens regularly use the Internet - 73 percent of all American teens go online to use Facebook or other social networking sites.

Three-quarters of American teens send text messages every day. Nearly 40 percent of teens share something online that they created themselves, like artwork or a video.

"Teen Tech Week is a way for librarians and educators to collaborate with and educate teens about technology," youth services coordinator Rikki Unterbrink said. "Over the last several years the library's role in increasing digital literacy has become more and more important, equal to that of reading literacy."

Teens are encouraged to celebrate Teen Tech Week. Bluffton Public Library hopes to attract a wide variety of teenagers and increase teen technology literacy locally by offering two programs during Teen Tech Week and a "Geek Tech" book display.

On Tuesday, March 6, the library will show off its DVD collection with a screening of a Sherlock Holmes movie at 3:15 p.m. The film is rated PG-13. Teens attending may bring their own snacks and/or beverages.

Then on Thursday, March 8, the library's Teen Advisory Group will host the "Super Geek" Olympics at 3:30 p.m. Participants are encouraged to "geek out" for the "Geekalicious Costume Contest." Other fun activities for this event include a socks with sandals relay, useless trivia contest and a "four eyes" sorting game.

For more information, contact Rikki Unterbrink at [email protected] or 419-358-5016.