This red beauty could be parked in your driveway on Sept. 29

1992 Corvette hatchback with 54,000 miles

This 1991 red hatchback Corvette with only 54,000 miles on it could be parked in your driveway on Sept. 29.

The Bluffton Lions Foundation unveiled the gem at its March 6 lunch meeting. Here's how it can be yours. Raffle tickets to win the vehicle will be sold now until Sept. 29. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5.

All proceeds from raffle sales go to various charities across northwestern Ohio, according to Dick Ramseyer of the Lions Foundation. This is the third year of the Corvette give-away.

Last year's Corvette team attended 53 events within a 50-mile radius of Bluffton in their charities project. This year could even be bigger.

The Corvette will be on display several times in Bluffton, including the May 12 arts and crafts show and the June 15 Festival of Wheels. Tickets will be sold during those events. Tickets are also available now from Bluffton Lions members.

The official drawing takes place at noon on Saturday, Sept. 29, during the Bluffton fall festival.