BFR will offer youth volleyball league and skills clinic

BFR will sponsor a volleyball developmental skills league for girls ingrades 4, 5 and 6 this spring, according to Carole Enneking.

Players for any area school may register individually and will be placed on mixed-age teams for this league. Teams will practice one night per week and matches will be held on Saturdays . One match per team will be scheduled on Saturday, April 21 through May 19.

Cost for the league is $50 ($30 BFR members); registration is due by April 16. Players will be required to attend an assessment day on Sat. April 16. The assessment will assist in creating balanced teams of ages and skill level.

Prior volleyball experience is not required and players with some
experience will work to develop their skills.

A pre-seasons skills clinic will be held on five Thursday afternoons
beginning March 15. The clinic will focus on the fundamental skills of
serving, setting, bumping and passing. Clinic times will be 4:30-5:30 p.m. and the cost is $20 ($10 BFR members). The clinic will be offered one-half price for those girls who register for the league.

To register for the league, stop by BFR Sports & Fitness or the website for a registration form. To register for the clinic,
call 419-358-4150.