Cemetery real estate officially increases to $500 per plot, but price remains the same

The cost of cemetery lots at Maple Grove officially increased Monday, but the cost to be buried there remained the same. Confused?

Bluffton council passed by emergency an ordinance "increasing" the price for burial lots at $500 each. Here's the kicker: The price on Monday's ordinance became effective July 1, 2004.

Turns out that the $500 price tag has been charged since 2004 and no one realized it. The official ordinance on the books until Monday listed a lower price.

Concerning more immediate news, the village officially turns on the new Dixie Highway water mains on Tuesday. The old lines will be closed out by week's end, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

Council repealed the one-quarter percent town hall renovation income tax as of midnight, Dec. 31, 2012. It will be retired four years earlier than anticipated. Immediately thereafter, a new one-quarter percent income tax takes place for water and sewer capital improvements.

The following meetings are on council's agenda for the rest of March:
March 14 - Tree Commission, 7:30 a.m.
March 15 - Retirement celebration for Carol Bradley
March 26 - Council insurance committee, 7:30 p.m.
March 26 - Council meeting, 8 p.m.