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Village Cut 'n' Curl wants your recipes for new Bluffton cookbook

Remember the Bluffton Relay for Life Cookbook of two years ago? It's sold out...but volume two is on the way, according to Lynda Best of Village Cut 'n' Curl.

"We are collecting Bluffton's favorite recipes for our next cookbook," said Best. "We want all types of recipes."

Persons wanting to be part of the latest Bluffton cookbook may mail or drop off recipes at:
Village Cut 'n' Curl
212 Cherry St.
Bluffton, OH 45817

A door mail box slot is avialable for after-hour deliveries.

All proceeds from the sale of the book go to the Bluffton Relay for Life, according to Best. The books should be available in late summer and will be available at $10 each.

Call Best at 419-358-7593 for more information.
