Several special music presentations at Bluffton Presbyterian in April

Several special musical presentations are planned during Sunday worship services in April at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

On April 1 Julia Szabo, mezzo-soprano, will sing Faure's "The Palms" as the prelude/processional for the Palm Sunday service.

The choir will sing "Of Palms and Praise" by Furman/Drennan with a violin obligato played by Emily Sycks. At the same service, Linda Sycks, oboe and Jeremy Szabo, oboe d'amore, will play a duet from Bach's Cantata No. 94.

At the Easter service on April 8 The Bluffton Brass Quintet will play. Members of the ensemble include Dave and Jane Sycks, trumpets, Marilyn Edwards, French horn, Greg Mohr, trombone and Tom Miller, tuba.

The choir will sing "Rise Up Singing" by Martin/Courtney.

On April 15th, BPC will be celebrating Risus Paschalis (Latin for Easter laugh or laughter). It is an old tradition dating back to medieval times (sometime between 11th-15th centuries) where the first service after Easter was dedicated to humor and God's gift of laughter. The praise team will sing "Wake Up, Church, Wake Up!" with trumpet reveille by Dave Sycks.

April 22 is Earth Day and the choir will offer "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter.

April 29 will be Music Appreciation Sunday with combined choir, praise team and soloists joining to sing "Thank You for the Music" by Joseph Martin.

All services begin at 10:15 a.m. with Jayne Barnett McGarrity and Linda Sycks, Music Directors and Rev. Dr. Matthew Zuehlke leading worship.