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Bluffton Public Library seeks teen volunteers

Bluffton Public Library is looking for Volunteens (teen volunteers) between the ages of 12 and 18 for the "Dream Big - Read!" summer reading club beginning Monday, June 4. The club is designed to keep children reading and learning throughout the summer months.

Volunteens assist children and other teens with registering for the club, turning in the hours they read for prizes and with weekly programs.

Teens can volunteer as much or as little as they wish, but an application is required. A light supper and volunteen orientation will be held Monday, May 21, at 6:30 p.m. All applications must be turned in by this date.

For more information or for an application, contact Rikki Unterbrink by e-mail at [email protected], by calling 419-358-5016 or by visiting the library.

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