2012 BHS baccalaureate service at Basinger residence May 20

The 2012 Bluffton High School baccalaureate service, coordinated by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association, will take place at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, May 20, at the home of Jon and Janice Basinger, 4080 E. Hook-Waltz Road (corner of Hook-Waltz and Mayberry).

The order of service, with student participants includes:

o Welcome and prayer
Lucas Harnish
o Worship in song
o Scripture: Acts 2:42-27

Natasha Chatalein
o Message on the Faith Community
Jeremy Basinger
o Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Megan Kirkendall
o Message on Sports
Mike Liska
o Special Music
Hannah Chappell-Dick
o Scripture: John 15-12-17
Hannah Burkholder
o Message on Friendship
Carissa Luginbill
o Scripture: Mark 3:31-35
Nathan Little
o Message on Family Relationships
Jennifer Hieronimus
o Closing Song
o Closing Prayer/Blessing

Pastor Bryant Miller, First United Methodist Church

o Praise band
Matt Deter, Lucas Harnish, Cody Karonich, Jennifer Hieronimus

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