It's the season for Vacation Bible Schools - here's who, where and when

It's summer and that means it's Vacation Bible School season. Here is the VBS schedule in the Icon viewership area. If your VBS is not on our list, contact us.

June 3-8
Ebenezer Mennonite VBS

8905 Grove Road
6:30-9 p.m.
Title: Sky: Everything is possible with God
More information: 419-358-8588, or [email protected]

June 10-14
Pandora Community VBS

Grace Mennonite Church
6:30-8:45 p.m.
K to 6th grade (just completed)
Title: Backstage with the Bible
More information: 419-384-3829, or [email protected]

June 10-13
Riley Creek Baptist VBS

4950 TR 27, Bluffton
6-8 p.m.
Title: Bug Zone: Transformed by our big God
More information: 419-326-6331, or [email protected]

June 18-22
Bluffton Baptist VBS

345 County Line Road
6:15 to 8:30 p.m.
Title: Amazing Wonders Aviation
More information: 419-358-0170, or [email protected]

July 22-26
Bluffton Community VBS

St. John's United Church of Christ
Ages 4 to grade 6
6 to 8:30 p.m.
Title: SonRise National Park
More information: 419-358-5641
Sponsored by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association. Participating churches: Bluffton Presbyterian, Emmanuel UCC, English Lutheran, First Mennonite, First United Methodist, St. John's UCC, St. Mary's Catholic.

July 30-Aug.3
Rockport United Methodist VBS

6:30-8:30 p.m.
Ages 3 to 6th grade
Title: SonRise National Park
More information: 419-943-1383, or 419-229-9513

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