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Chamber members hear update on bike and pedestrian pathway project

Bluffton chamber members heard an update on Bluffton's comprehensive bike and pedestrian pathway at the June 8 chamber breakfast. Dick Ramseyer, chair of the pathway board, told the 60-plus chamber members attending that several steps have taken place since the board formed.

The board is pursuing two paths at the present time. One connects the Riverbend- Maple Crest community to Bentley Road. The other connects the Triplett Bike Path near the National Quarry to the State Route 103 business sector via the abandoned AC&Y Railroad right of way.

"The right of way needed to develop the pathway along Augsburger Road is now secured. The engineering on the design and layout of the Augsburger project is completed," he said.

In addition, a grant proposal has been submitted for some funding of the project.

"The board is in negotiation with the Norfolk Southern Railroad to use the abandoned AC&Y Railroad right of way as part of the link of the path to the State Route 103 businesses," said Ramseyer.

He added that the AC&Y access is across the Hancock-Allen County Line Road from the Triplett Bike Path along the National Quarry.

The creation of the master plan is a joint effort between the Bluffton Lions Club and the Village of Bluffton.

Ramseyer told the chamber members that a seven-member steering committee is at work in advance the project.

Members are Ramseyer, Laura Voth, Greg Denecker, Fred Steiner, John Rich, Jim Harder, Dima Snyder and ex-officials' Jamie Mehaffie and Mitch Kingsley.

Ramseyer explained that it is the responsibility of the pathway board to implement the comprehensive bike and pedestrian pathway master plan.

An active partner in implementation of the plan is the Bluffton Lions Club and Bluffton Lions Foundation. The Lions hold events including its annual Charity Corvette Raffle, Festival of Wheels and Freedom Fest' as fundraisers for projects like the pathway.

Links to previous Icon stories about the pathway project follow:

Committee's goal

Triplett Bike Path history

Lions Foundation role in bike path


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