Watch for First National Bank's "Big Lemonade Stand" Friday

For a number of years, First National Bank has been actively involved in providing financial education to youth in area schools.

Students are taught the importance of saving, the differences between wants and needs, and about understanding the value of money. First National reached out to over 400 students this spring in various classrooms.

Another Big Lemonade Stand will be held on the lawn of the Bluffton Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Main and Cherry Streets on Friday, June 15, during the Festival of Wheels.

Ice cold lemonade will be available from 4-7 p.m.

The Bank offers a youth savings account called Moola Moola and all members age 5-13 were invited to help with the Big Lemonade Stand

Children that volunteer will assist in making the lemonade, hang up posters to advertise, and help with the stand. All proceeds will be split and deposited into their Moola Moola accounts.

Brendon Matthews, Senior Vice President of First National Bank, said "The response we've seen from local youth has been fantastic so far and we encourage the community to support these Young Entrepreneurs by visiting the lemonade stand on June 15."

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