Apollo Career Center Nov. 6 levy resolution on July 23 board agenda

Apollo Career Center's board of education will act on legislation at its July 23 to place a tax levy on the Nov. 6 ballot. Voters in the Bluffton school district will have the levy on their ballot.
The entire July 23 board agenda is on an attachment at the bottom of this story.
A portion of the Apollo resolution follows:
WHEREAS, this board of education by resolution duly adopted determined the necessity of issuing bonds to pay the local share of school construction under the State of Ohio Vocational Facilities Assistance Program and the necessity of levying an annual direct tax on all the taxable property in this School District, outside of the ten mill limitation to pay the interest on and to retire said bonds and provided that the question of issuing said bonds and of levying said direct tax shall be submitted to the electors of said School District at the election to be held on November 6, 2012 as a single proposition together with the question of levying an additional two-tenths (0.20) mill tax, outside of the ten mill limitation and the question of issuing bonds for additional improvements as permitted by Section 3318.44 of the Ohio Revised Code; and
WHEREAS, the board of education has determined that the maximum maturity of both issues of bonds is thirty (30) years; and

WHEREAS, the county auditor has certified that the estimated average annual levy throughout the life of said $11,638,923 vocational facilities bonds which will be required to pay the interest on and retire said bonds, is thirty-one hundredths (0.31) mills, for each one dollar ($1.00) of valuation which amounts to three and one-tenths cents ($0.031) for each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation; and
WHEREAS, the county auditor has certified that the estimated average annual levy throughout the life of the $18,361,077 improvement bonds which will be required to pay the interest on and retire said bonds, is forty-nine hundredths (0.49) mill, for each one dollar ($1.00) of valuation which amounts to four and nine-tenths cents ($0.049) for each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of valuation; and

WHEREAS, the county auditor has certified to total assessed valuation of the School District and dollar amount of revenue to be generated by the two-tenths mill maintenance levy.

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