Here's what happening in Allen County in August
So much to do! Here's Allen County events taking place in August. This list is provided by the Lima/Allen County Convention & Visitors Bureau.
August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Happy Daz Cruise-Ins @ Happy Daz, Elida Road
August 1: Metropark Discoverers-Wet & Wild @ Ottawa Metro Park
August 2: Toast to the City @ Downtown Lima
August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: Farmers Market-St. Rita's @ St. Rita's Medical Center
August 3: Stargazing with Lima Astronomical Society @ Schoonover Observatory
August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31: Sprint Car Races @ Limaland Motorsports Park
August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31: Beef & Bourbon Cruise-Ins @ Beef & Bourbon
August 3: Kilroy Was Here: Community Theatre @ Allen East High School
August 3-4: Square Fair @ Downtown Lima
August 4: Blackhoof Creek String Band @ Ottawa Metro Amphitheatre
August 4: Lima Warriors Football Game @ Lima Stadium
August 4: Rally Point River Ride @ Ottawa Metro Park
August 4, 11, 18, 25: Farmers Market-Westside @ Lima Mall
August 4, 11-12: Ohio Paint Association Horse Show @ Allen County Fairgrounds
August 5: Concert in the Park @ Faurot Park Pavilion
August 7, 14, 21, 28: Brown Bag Lunch Series @ Allen County Children's Garden
August 7: Metropark Explorers: Archery @ Allen Count Farm Park
August 7: National Night Out @ Heritage Park and Dowtown Lima
August 8: National American Miss-Open Call @ Lima Civic Center
August 8: Metropark Explorers: Air Rifle @ Allen County Farm Park
August 9: Nature Pals: Morning at the Beach @ Ottawa Metro Park
August 9: Summer Dance with Al Best Band @ Eagles Lodge-Aerie #370
August 10, 17: Dances in the Park @ Lincoln Park
August 10, 17, 24, 31: Rally in the Square @ ArtSpace/Lima
August 10-12: A Grand Night for Singing! Fundraiser Show @ Encore Theatre
August 11: Real Wheels Cruise-In Classic Car Show @ Clock Tower Plaza
August 11: Perseid Meteor Count @ Kendrick Woods
August 11: Golf for Hospice @ Colonial Golfers Club
August 11: Home-Based Business Expo @ Lima Mall
August 11: The Hartles with Scott Stimmel @ Ottawa Metro Amphitheatre
August 14: Downtown Lima Inc. Photoshoot Night @ Downtown Lima, YMCA
August 16: LSO's Music in Unexpected Places @ Limaland Motorsports Park
August 17-25: Allen County Fair @ Allen County Fairgrounds
August 18: Allen County Fair Parade @ Downtown Lima
August 18: Rita Allen-1830's Healer & Herbalist @ Ottawa Metro Amphitheatre
August 19: Lima Area Concert Band @ Faurot Park Pavilion
August 21: Rotary Walk Bike Ride @ Ottawa Metro Park
August 25: E.Z. & Company @ Ottawa Metro Amphtheatre
August 25: Lima Memorial Baby Fair @ Lima Memorial Hospital
August 31-Sep 2: Max's Water Dog Races @ Allen County Fairgrounds
August 31-Sep 27: Valerie Parsell Art Exhibit @ The Meeting Place on Market
For more information and a complete listing of events and recreational activities, please visit or call the CVB offices at 419-222-6075 for more information.