Elementary back-to-school info: supply lists, class fees August calendar

Several events are scheduled in August for Bluffton elementary students, teachers, staff and parents. Here's the schedule:
Aug. 6-17 - Summer academy
Aug. 24 - Meet the teacher 2 to 3 p.m.
Aug. 27 - First day of school
Aug. 27-29 - KRAL testing by appointment for kindergarteners
Aug. 30 - First day for kindergarten
Sept. 3 - Labor Day - no school
SCHOOL FEES: School fees for the 2012-2013 school year are as follows: Kindergarten-$29.00, First grade-$27.00, Second grade-$25.00, Third grade-$29.00, Fourth grade-$27.00, and Fifth grade-$38.00.
Parents may send one check for all your elementary students. Please note (on the memo line) your child's name and his/hergrade level. For security reasons, please send the check in a sealed envelope marked "Student Workbook Fees" with the student and teacher name.
The elementary supply list is an printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this page.