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New plate, unknown meaning

Could this be an address? Or, perhaps its a bowling average. The Icon caught this plate on Main Street.


Business networking event Oct. 18 at Jeanne's Kitchen

Women's Entrepreneurial Network (WEN), an organization open to women and men, will hold a networking event at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Oct. 18, at Jeanne's Kitchen, Vine Street.

A meeting follows over lunch from noon to 1 p.m. An $8 lunch is available for persons attending. WEN is all about helping women and men grow their businesses and their careers. More information is available by contacting Linda Everhardt-Kardux, 419-678-2661.

More information about WEN may be found on its website:


Oct. 18 open house at Child Development Center

The Bluffton Child Development Center, 325 County Line Road, will host an open house at 7 p.m., Monday, Oct. 18, according to Mary Painter, director.

"Please join us for our open house on Oct.18. We would like to invite parents, children, all alumni, including children who have attended BCDC in the past as well as the community of Bluffton," she said.


Trinity United Methodist holds coat drive

Bluffton Trinity United Methodist Church is hold its annual coat drive. Items collected include boats, scarves, hats, mittens and gloves. Drop-off sites are at several Bluffton locations including:

  • BFR
  • Bluffton Public Library
  • Community Market
  • Luke's
  • First National Bank
  • Bluffton Trinity United Methodist Church, State Route 103

Persons wanting more information may contact either 567-242-4700 or the church at 419-358-2001.


School board schedules annual evaluation of superintendent and treasurer

Bluffton school board's Oct. 18 agenda includes the discussion of employment or personnel and yearly evaluation and employment of the school treasurer and superintendent.

According to the board agenda, released on Oct. 15 those discussions will be in executive session.

Several other agenda items on the meeting include a five-year forecast for fiscal years 2011-2015.

Some contracts, assignments and resignations will be acted upon. The 2011-12 school calendar will be considered for adoption.


United Way still accepting donations

Although the door-to-door solicitation of the United Way of Bluffton, Beaverdam and Richland Township is completed, donations for the United Way are still being accepted.

This year's goal of $23,000 supports several local agencies including:

