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Bluffton Brass Quintet performs at Presbyterian on Easter

The Bluffton Brass Quintet will play at the 10:15 a.m. service at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday, April 4. Members from left are, Travis Unterbrink, trumpet; Marilyn Edwards, french horn; Tom Miller, tuba; Greg Mohr, trombone; Dave Sycks, trumpet.


Bluffton chamber has several ambitious projects planned this spring and summer

Several projects are on the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce's plate this spring, according to Fred Steiner, chamber CEO. In addition, other several other projects are in the planning stages.

Three immediate projects are:


You'll see this at the Dari Freeze

You'll see this plate at the Bluffton Dari Freeze. It stands for Bill Marchel, who along with his wife, Phyllis, run the whippy dip.


Popcorn, hummus, cheese, shoofly pie and Scrabble?

Sunday night supper at the Pannabecker homestead always meant popcorn, veggies, fruit, cheese, and once in awhile...pop or milkshakes. Growing up in the 50s-60s-70s was the era of family-style eating, something that many of today's family find simply impossible. And yes, that probably ages me. So what?


Optimist trumps pessimism...every time

They say that to be happy and positive, one must surround oneself with happy and positive people. Don't ask me who "they" are. I only know that I keep reading this -- as if the statement was directed toward me. I'm not the most positive person in the world; the optimist in me is frequently overcome by the pessimist.


Look what the Easter bunny left

Look what the Easter bunny left

Madison Beasley, 2 1/2, shows the Easter eggs she gathered at the Mennonite Memorial Home-McDonald's Restaurants community egg hunt on March 27 at the MMH. She is the daughter of Lauren and Nathan Beasley of Bluffton. According to Julie Stratton over 3,000 eggs were strewn across the MMH lawn. And, yes, they were picked clean in a matter of moments.
