Mark Delisle wins Icon football contest week 3; Duane Bollenbacher, Luke Amstutz, cumulative leaders

Nine contestants correctly picked 13 games in this week's Bluffton Icon football contest. Mark Delisle was declared the winner by being the only person to correctly pick Bluffton's loss by 1-7 points in the first tie-breaker. 

Other contestants:

13 correct - Barry Schneck, Dan Smith, Dave Bracy, Dave Moser, David Glick, John Lancaster, Luke Amstutz and Nancy Armour.
12 correct - Brad Smith, Duane Bollenbacher, James Crawfis, Jim Dillman, LD Reese and Todd Fleharty.
11 correct - Chris Boisvert, Deb Niswander, Randy Stewart, Ray Baughman and Scott Basinger.
10 correct - Becky Warren, Chad Lewandowski, Jared Lehman, John Clevidence, Mike Burris, Tom Clark and Tom Heimann.
9 correct - Jim Gratz and Scott Gleason.
8 correct - Donald Culp, Mark Sommers and Rocky Rockefeller.
6 correct - Mary Glick.

After Week 3 of the Icon football contest the cumulative totals are:

39 points - Duane Bollenbacher and Luke Amstutz.
38 points - Barry Schneck and Todd Fleharty.
37 points - Brad Smith and David Glick.
36 points - John Clevidence.
35 points - Dan Smith, Mark Delisle and Tom Heimann.
34 points - Mike Burris and Nancy Armour.
33 points - Randy Stewart.
32 points - Chris Boisvert, Scott Basinger, Scott Gleason and Tom Clark.
31 points - Jared Lehman and L.D. Reese.
30 points - Becky Warren and Donald Culp.

Corey Greer is the Icon football contest judge.

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