Miss Ohio speaks Sunday at Bluffton Presbyterian Church
Miss Ohio, Elissa McCracken, will visit Bluffton on Sunday. Miss Ohio will speak during the 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning worship service at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.
She is a neice of Jay McCracken of Bluffton, and is a student at Ohio Northern University. The Icon met up with Miss Ohio at Saturday’s Ada Harvest and Herb Festival. She told The Icon that she is taking the year off from ONU to tour Ohio and to prepare for the Miss America pageant. She will compete for the Miss America title in January 2013 in Las Vegas.
McCracken, 20, of Waynesburg, Pa., is a pharmacy major at ONU. She won the Ohio crown earlier this summer over 24 other contestants. As Miss Ohio she will receive a $10,000 scholarship from Newman Technology among other gifts. McCracken's platform is "stop cyberbullying."