First of three Bluffton merchants' 3/50 drawing announced

Kathy Fenstermaker, Lynn Coleman and Amy Roby are the September winners in the Bluffton merchants’ 3/50 drawing.

Each of the three receives eight different prizes, donated by several Bluffton merchants, according to Aphaphanh Nussbaum of Ten Thousand Villages, who is helping to direct the promotion.

Nussbaum drew the three contestant’s entries as Julie Stratton of The Black Lab, held the box of entries and Katie Keifer of Sielschott, Walsh, Keifer and Regula, CPAs, proclaimed the drawing official.

The 3/50 promotion encourages shopping locally. Persons may enter the drawing by having shopping or doing business in three Bluffton businesses during the month.

Fenstermaker’s entry included a visit to Polished by Joan, Greg’s Pharmacy and The Curling Iron. Coleman’s entry included a visit to Ten Thousand Villages, Greg’s Pharmacy and Community Market. Roby’s entry includes a visit to First National Bank, Community Market and Et Cetera Shop.

The second monthly drawing will take place in the end of October.

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