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15 minutes with Seth Pannabecker

Editor’s note: Seth Pannabecker is the son of Jo and Tim Pannabecker.

How old are you and what grade are you in?

I’m 8 and in third grade.

Where were you born?

I was born in Pennsylvania. My mom was born in Africa, but grew up in New Zealand. Dad, he’s
just been living in Bluffton all the time. I was about two years old when we moved to Bluffton. Kate was born nine months later and Mia about one year after Kate.

Do you remember much about Pennsylvania?

No, but when we moved to Bluffton, I remember some trucks digging up trees in our backyard. We put up a fence because of Ariel, our dog, who is now 11 ½ years old.

Do you have any relatives living near you in Bluffton?

My grandparents – they’re on my dad’s side (Don and Romaine Pannabecker). They’ve been living in Bluffton for a long time. It’s a two-minute walk at least.

What do you like to do at your grandparents’ house?

Sometimes we’ll play on the computer. Usually, a network of different games.

What are your favorite subjects at school?

Reading – accelerated reading, the 50 point club – longer books earn more points. You get a piece of paper that tells you the number of points you’ve reached. I like detective or action books. I like James and the Giant Peach and Matilda. I also like math and science.

What’s your favorite food?

Egg tortillas with salt and cheese.

Do you pack your lunch or buy?

Most of the time I pack. I like peanut butter and honey sandwiches. If I buy, it’s usually pizza day.

Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

Soccer and Boy Scouts. This is my fifth year of soccer. Jeff Bishop is my coach. Logan Nussbaum has been on my soccer team every year.

What do you like to do just for fun?

Oh, maybe just run after something. I ride my bike when my dad runs. I’ve done 2 ½ miles with him. In the summer, I play with friends. Last summer I went to kids’ camp and we went to family camp at Camp Friedenswald.

What did you do at kids’ camp?

Usually just hanging out with friends. I didn’t miss being apart from my parents. I like to swim and tube on the lake.

Did you have any special visitors this summer?

My mom’s parents were here for 10 weeks from New Zealand. I have an uncle in New Zealand, one in Australia, and an aunt in England.

How many times have you visited your grandparents in New Zealand?

Two times. There were a couple of playgrounds, we rode trains, buses, and you can see the city from where they live near Auckland. There is a big turning tower there. We saw a lot of pukekos, a red and blue bird. We also went to a zoo to fee the eels and saw a kiwi.

You’ve done quite a bit of traveling. What do you like about Bluffton?

It seems like it’s really big. Lots of things to explore, lots of people to meet.  It seems like a really good home to live in.


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