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Making music at BHS

Here's this year's musician award winners • And check out the all-time winner list going back to 1967

Bluffton High School music students were recognized during the 45th annual Bluffton High School academic awards program last week. This year’s student honorees follow.

To view the all-time list of BHS music award winners, going back to 1967, click here.

Marching Band Award 
Given to student outstanding in Marching Band
Isabella Angel

Director’s Award for Band
Tre’ Bender


Festival of Wheels returns June 18

After a one-year absence, the Bluffton Lions Club Festival of Wheels returns to Main Street on Friday, June 18.

Dan Groman provided these photos just to remind viewers what's in store. Watch the Icon for more specific details coming soon.


Life in a bubble

A Bluffton first grader creates multi bubbles during Monday's first grade picnic at the Buckeye. Second and fourth graders will be at the park on Thursday while Kindergarteners and third graders will be there on Friday.

What's on your organization's summer schedule?

The Icon can help spread the word about your events

What’s on your organization’s summer schedule?

The Icon invites local organizations to send summer event details for posting.

“As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, nearly every area annual event was cancelled in 2020,” said Fred Steiner of the Icon.

“We are seeing a reemergence of many of these events and activities that are open to the public and we want to help your group spread the word,” he said.

The Icon is interested in posting any event open to the community, or special events such as class reunions, planned in June, July and August.


Icon invites churches to send VBS information

Bluffton area congregations holding a Vacation Bible School are invited to contact the Bluffton Icon with VBS details.

The Icon will post VBS information and we need the following:
Church name
Date of VBS
Time of VBS
Ages of participants
Who to contact to register

We will accept flyers. Send VBS details to: [email protected]


So, you think you know Bluffton? The answer

So, you think you know Bluffton? This is the "Bluffton" sign on the Bluffton Sportsmen's Club depot on Spring Street.

