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BVHS earns Platinum Impact Award

Blanchard Valley Health System has been awarded the American Cancer Society’s Platinum Mission Impact Award. BVHS received this award for the East Central Division of the American Cancer Society (ACS), which includes Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The award was given for BVHS’ outstanding cancer connection, collaboration, prevention and research with the American Cancer Society.

Some of the BVHS/ACS collaboration over the past year includes:

  • Hosting the Cancer Prevention Study -3 and achieving enrollment of 117% of enrollment goal
  • Implementing and promoting the ACS Road to Recovery and I Can Cope programs
  • Taking part in the Alliance for Breast and Colon Cancer Awareness, Screening and Prevention (ABC of Hancock County)

Miki McClain, oncology services manager, leads many of the ACS initiatives at BVHS and was honored for her role in helping the Health System earn this award. She serves as the chairman of ABC of Hancock County.

BVHS was the only organization in the region to earn the Platinum Mission Impact award.


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