Duane Bollenbacher wins Icon football contest number 2
The winner of The Icon Football Contest 2 cumulative totals is Duane Bollenbacher. He accumulated 69 points to win the title.
Other contestants:
66 points - John Clevidence.
64 points - Todd Fleharty.
61 points - Brandon Huber.
59 points - Kyle Gratz.
57 points - Mike Burris.
55 points - Nancy Armour.
52 points - Randy Stewart.
50 points - Mark Sommers.
47 points - Bill Edwards and Jim Dillman.
42 points - Tater Hooker.
30 points - Adelyn Althaus.
16 points - Joe Suter.
14 points - Ken Von Lehmden.
12 points - Chris Conley, Mandy Leveck and Tom Heimann.
11 points - Dave Bracy.
10 points - Jay Wolber and Rob Amstutz.
9 points - David Coffin, Donald Isaac and Jerry Cupples.
8 points - Richard Goodenbour.
7 points - Chris Smallwood.
4 points - Renee Matthews.
The winner of this week's contest is Nancy Armour. Nancy and Donald Isaac both correctly picked 9 games and both had the same tie-breakers. Nancy was declared the winner because her entry was received first.
Other contestants:
8 correct - Bill Edwards, Duane Bollenbacher and Todd Fleharty.
7 correct - Brandon Huber, John Clevidence, Mark Sommers and Mike Burris.
6 correct - Kyle Gratz and Randy Stewart.
Icon viewers are now encouraged to enter the Icon college bowl football contest posted here. Corey Greer is the judge for all Icon football contests.