Andy Lamb on his way to Dominican Republic as a Peace Corp volunteer

When Andy Lamb took Spanish classes for three years at Bluffton High School he had no idea that it would come in so handy later on in life.

Now it has. Lamb, a 2007 BHS grad, left Bluffton last week for a 27-month volunteer assignment in the Peace Corp in Dominican Republic.

“I’m assigned as a community economic advisor for small businesses and entrepreneurs,” he told The Icon, about his Peace Corp position. "I'll work with entrepreneurs in the rural and city areas of the country."

Lamb graduated from Wittenberg University in 2011 with a degree in International Studies and Spanish. He spent a semester in Spain in the fall of 2009, but claims his Spanish is a bit rusty at the moment.

He may be a bit modest about his bilingual abilities. “I can think in Spanish and I even dream in Spanish,” he said.

“I became interested in development and international studies while in college,” said Lamb. He is one of 200 Peace Corp volunteers in Dominican Republic. There are 35 volunteers in the group, which Lamb is a part of.

“I’ll live with a host family for three months during training, then will live two years with another host family,” he said about is experience. “I always thought it would be a cool idea to serve in the Peace Corp, but never thought it would be part of my career path until now.

He is the son of Beth Lamb of Bluffton.