Bluffton Public Library spring-summer programming focuses on youth

The staff of the Bluffton Public Library provided the Icon with the following information on their spring and summer programming:

  • A Wee Ones storytime for babies and toddlers will be held on May 9, at 10:30 a.m. and will be offered at that same time on the second Thursday of the month throughout the summer.
  • Preschool storytime sessions are held at 6:30 p.m. on Mondays and 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. Preschool storytime sessions will continue throughout April and then resume again in June and July.  Advance registration is requested for all storytime sessions.
  • Tuesday after school “chill” programs provide a wide variety of activities including free movies, make and take crafts, or just a place to hang out.

Teen Programming:

  • The library also has a variety of programs for teens in grades 6 through 12.  Teens that visit the library and complete a program interest survey during April will be entered in a drawing to win a tasty prize!
  • A Teen Advisory Group (TAG) meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 4.  Current members and anyone interested in joining the group is welcome to attend. TAG members meet once or twice a month to help plan and present programs, suggest materials to order for the Teen section, and assist with library projects.
  • On Thursday, April 18, teens can drop in to meet and swap ideas about their favorite must reads. Free refreshments will be provided.
  • This year’s summer read themes are “Dig into Reading!” for youth and adults, and “Beneath the Surface” for teens. 
  • The library will soon be accepting Volunteen applications for those interested in helping with our summer reading program registration and activities throughout June and July. 

Please visit the library or  for future announcements.