April has a shower of events in Bluffton schools

April is a busy month for Bluffton school students. Here's a capsule of events taken from the high school, middle school and elementary school websites.

Bluffton High School

Spanish Club: The Spanish club will meet at Tu Pueblo on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:00. Also, ALL MEMBERS are asked to meet in the Spanish room THIS FRIDAY 4/5 at the beginning of 5A to order tshirts and to discuss upcoming events. This will be a very quick meeting. Gracias!!

Boys Basketball: Boys basketball open gym for high school and middle school will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-830 starting April 1st.

Yearbook:  If you have not yet ordered a 2012-2013 Buccaneer Yearbook NOW IS THE TIME!!! Go to www.smart-pay.com. Yearbooks are $45 IF YOU ORDER IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS, after that the price will increase to $50. See Mrs. Cogley if you have questions or contact the office if you aren't sure if you already ordered one.

Volleyball:  Information regarding volleyball open gyms and the Elida League is in the office.  Volleyball open gyms will be held on Wednesdays starting April 3rd from  3:45-5:00 in the HS gym and in May they will be held on Mon & Weds from 3:45-5:00.

Pirate Cards:  Pirate cards are for sale in the high school office. The cost is $10 and it allows discounts at a variety of businesses around town and the surrounding area.

Boys Open Lifting: Boys weightlifting will be held on Monday & Thursday at 6:30 p.m. & Friday at 4:30 p.m.

Girls Open Lifting: Weightlifting for girls will be held on Mon, Weds, &  Fri at the Ricky Matter Center from 3:30-4:30.

Middle School

Any 8th grade girl interested in playing High School soccer in the Fall, please stop by the office to sign up.

Boys basketball open gyms for high school and middle school will begin next week (4/1) on Mondays & Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm.

The schedules for JH Track, JH Baseball & JH Softball are now on the Bluffton Schools website.  Simply choose "Middle School" and in the drop down box, select School Calendar.  If and when changes are made to the schedules, they will be updated immediately.  If you have any questions, please call the office.

BFR will be holding a youth volleyball league this Spring for girls in grades 4-6.  The assessment day will be on Saturday, April 13th with practices starting the week of April 15th. League matches will be held each Saturday through May 18th.  Stop in the office to pick up an informational flyer.

Any Middle School boy or girl interested in participating in the High Glass Basketball Camp should stop in the office to receive an information flyer and sign-up sheet.  Boys camp date is June 10-13 at Ada; girls camp date is June 17-20 at Ada.  Cost of camp is $125.00 per player.  Deadline for both camps is May 30th. 

Congratulations to the new Student Senate Members for 2012-2013 at Bluffton Middle School: 
6th Grade:    Mason Ault, Emma Klinger, Hannah Yost 
7th Grade: 
   Morgan Auchmuty, Kaden Reneker, Karis Wilson  
8th Grade:    Jadyn Barhorst, Zane Myers, Ryan Sprague


Friday  5                Grade Cards go home with students
Mon.-Fri. 8-16        1st & 2nd  Grade Achievement Testing  
Tuesday 9              Second Grade - SESA “Fun with Lights”

Mon.-Fri. 15-19      Spring Book Fair – Elementary Library  
Tuesday 16            Book Fair Family Night @ 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Mon.-Wed. 15-17    Kindergarten Screening – M.S. Cafetorium

Thursday 25           Last day for S.O.S. Program
Monday 29             Reading Ohio Achievement Assessment – Grades 3-5
Monday 29              Market Day pick up in elementary gym @ 5:30 - 6:30 p.m

Tuesday 30             Math Ohio Achievement Assessment – Grades 3-5
Wednesday  May  1 Science Ohio Achievement Assessment – 5th Grade