Dumpsters at recycling center May 17-27

Bluffton's annual spring clean-up is May 17 to May 27, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. Dumpsters will be located at the Spring Street recyling center.

"The dumpsters will be delivered on Friday, May 17 and will be removed on Tuesday, May 28," he told The Icon.

The dumpsters will be switched out as necessary during that time period. As always, items that may not be disposed of in the dumpsters include hazardous materials (motor oil, paint, etc.), vehicle batteries, and tires.

Appliances that use Freon, such as refrigerators, will not be accepted unless it is certified that the Freon has been legally removed and disposed of. The use of the dumpsters is
reserved for village residents only. Village employees may randomly verify that individuals utilizing the dumpsters are residents of the village.

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