Lots going on at elementary school starting with book fair week

April is a busy month at the Bluffton Elementary School. Here's a sampling of activities taking place:

ELEMENTARY BOOK FAIR WEEK OF APRIL 16th:  The annual elementary spring Book Fair will be held April 16 – 20.  The Book Fair will be open daily from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  Tuesday evening (6-8 p.m.) will be FAMILY NIGHT.  This Book Fair is a Buy One/Get One Free (BOGO).  The Book Fair will close at 2 p.m. on Friday.

TESTING WEEK:  First and second grade students will finish taking their achievement tests this week.  Students in grades three through five will be taking Ohio Achievement Assessments April 29 through May 1.  Please do not schedule any appointments during this time period.  Also, make sure your students get plenty of sleep and a hearty breakfast to prepare them to do their best.   

TITLE I & SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERVENTION MEETING:  Parents of students in Title I and Special Education are invited to attend a meeting on Thursday, May 9, at 3:30 p.m. in the elementary conference room. This is an opportunity for public participation in the planning for use of Federal Special Education (IDEA) funds.  We will discuss intervention services and ask for input for future services.  Surveys will be sent home to each Title 1 intervention student. Thank you for support!

S.M.A.R.T.  WEEK:  Our special academic emphasis “S.M.A.R.T.” week will be held the week of May 13.  The acronym letters stand for S-Social Studies, M-Math, A-Arts & Fitness, R- Reading, and T-Technology & Science.  Students will participate in special activities each day.  On “Social Studies Day” students will work on a special project to be announced later.  “Math Day” will hold various math competitions at each grade level.  “Arts & Fitness Day” will feature “Field Day” where students will play games at Harmon Field and enjoy grilled hot dogs at their picnic.  A reading marathon is scheduled on “Reading Day”.  For “Technology & Science Day”, a special related activity will be announced in May.  

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION:  It’s time to register your child in Kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year.  Kindergarten Screening is scheduled for April 15-17.  Any child who will be five years old by August 1, 2013, is eligible to enroll.  In order to develop a kindergarten mailing list, please contact the elementary office at 419-358-7951.  We will need the following information: child’s name, birth date, parents’ names, address, and phone number. You may send the information via email to [email protected].  All children are required to have their immunizations before starting school.  The Allen County Health Department provides immunizations but appointments must be made.  Their website is:  allencountyhealthdepartment.org.

P.T.O. NEWS: Thank you for your outstanding participation in collecting BoxTops for education.  We are also accepting Community Market receipts, Tyson labels, “Our Family” brand UPC’s, used printer cartridges, and Campbell’s labels.  Market Day orders for April may be placed online until April 24 for pickup April 29.