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Here's a look at how the local precincts voted on Tuesday

Bluffton and Richland Township voters beat Allen County precincts in voting on May 7. Based on the total registered voters in Allen County only 24.46 percent voted on May 7.

Bluffton's three precincts average 38 percent turn out. Richland Township's two precincts averaged 36 percent turnout.

Here's the primary election vote by precinct in the Allen County portion of the Bluffton school district.

Percent voting
Monroe East          32.7
Beaverdam            19.7
Bluffton A               46.4
Bluffton B               40.8
Bluffton C               28.3
Richland A             35.4
Richland B             36.9

Bluffton school levy (passed)
Monroe East          41          24
Beaverdam            15          21
Bluffton A             231          31
Bluffton B             218          32
Bluffton C             126          43
Richland A             92          62
Richland B            139         33

Apollo levy (passed)
Monroe East          58          58
Beaverdam            14          22
Bluffton A             208          52
Bluffton B             199          50
Bluffton C             106          43
Richland A             78          75
Richland B            116         58

Johnny Appleseed Park levy (passed)
Monroe East          53          42
Beaverdam            16          20
Bluffton A             221          41
Bluffton B             209          41
Bluffton C             127          41
Richland A             90          64
Richland B            115         56


