Bluffton recycling and refuse collection procedure changes on June 1

On June 1 major changes occur in Bluffton’s recycling and refuse pick up procedure. One of the most noticeable changes is that new recycling and refuse carts are being delivered to residents.

The new system enables customers to now recycle glass and more plastic (numbers 1 to 7). Previously glass was not accepted and pastic was limited.

According to Republic, the company contracted to pick up recycling and refuse in the village, Bluffton’s Monday customers now have their new carts. Wednesday customer carts are being delivered this week. Friday customer carts should be delieved by the end of next week, in time for the new system to in affect.

Everything you need to know about the new procedures are in attachments to this story.

Icon viewers will find:
•  New recycling guildlines
•  Material not collected
•  An eight-page guide to the new automated refuse and recycling collection (including frequently asked questions)
•  A complete list of services offered by Republic