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Richland Manor staff, residents, family members get soaked in "Color Blaze"

Richland Manor's staff, residents and family members participated in the Lima 5K Color Blaze race earlier this month.

The event, held at the Allen County Fairgrounds, had over 2,000 participants.

Color Blaze isn't about winning or having the fastest time. It's about having fun while running or walking at your own pace as other participants and spectators toss various colored powders at participating teams.

At the end of the Blaze a participant is left with a tie-dyed clothing, hair and skin. Past the finish line is a celebration with music and more colored-powder-tossing to create vivid memories and lots of laughter.

"I really enjoyed participating in the race with my daughter, Sarah, though I think she purposely got pink powder all over my Stealer's hat," said Chuck V., Richland Manor resident.

"Not only did Richland Manor get their residents and staff to participate, we also raised money for the Allen County Humane Society through this great event. It is always such an honor to give back to our community," said Liz Abel, Richland Manor's community service representative.

To learn more about Richland Manor, please visit or call 419-643-3161.

Richland Manor staff, residents and their families were covered in colored powder after completing the Lima 5K Color Blaze.
