Hospitalized infants mark arrival of flu season

Allen County Public Health had two cases of hospitalized Infants less than 12 months of age reported having Seasonal Influenza in October.  

"We want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that in order to protect our smallest citizens, it is important that everyone get a flu shot," said Becky Dershem of the health department. 

The CDC recommends flu vaccines for everyone – 6 months of age and older.  The vaccine will be available at  the Allen County Health Department: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 8-9 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. or by appointment.  

Appointments can be made by visiting our website (  or by phone at 419-228-4457.

This year, the flu vaccine is being recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older.   
  **All Clinics are contingent upon vaccine supply availability.

Cost of a flu shot is $30 cash or check. Medicare/Medicaid, Anthem, and Med Mutual insurances are also accepted.  It is important for everyone to bring their insurance cards with them. No one will be turned away for inability to pay, while our supplies last.

To help keep clinics running smoothly and effectively, participants are asked to come dressed in short sleeves or other clothing that makes the upper arm more easily accessible.

Health Commissioner Kathy Luhn, MS, MCHES, said,  “A flu vaccine not only protects you, it protects everyone you come in contact with – family, friends, co-workers, and clients; including those too young to be vaccinated.  Preventing the spread of flu keeps us all healthier!” 

In Ohio, the traditional flu season is considered to be from November through April, with the peak months being January and February.

The CDC recommends “Take Three” to fight the FLU: 
1) Take time to get a flu vaccine;
2) Take everyday precautions to prevent the spread of influenza;
3) Take antiviral drugs if they are prescribed for you.”     
4) Always remember to wash your hands.

Vaccine will begin to provide protection within about two weeks. 

The risk of contracting the flu can be minimized through annual vaccination, limiting your contact with other people who are sick with the flu, avoiding crowds during outbreaks, and by frequent and thorough hand washing.